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Reports and Disclosures

Transparently reporting our progress

Our advancement of sustainability includes clear, consistent communications about our goals, activities, performance, and results. We invite you to review our annual sustainability reports for the past three years, as well as our sustainability factsheet and CDP disclosures for water and climate.

We welcome feedback on our activities and performance; if you’d like to share your thoughts, please contact our sustainability team via email:


reduction in absolute scope 1 and 2 greenhouse emissions in 2022 from 2019 baseline year1


of our sites with 1,000 employees or more partnered with a local NGO in 2022


decrease in safety incident rate year over year in 2022


of our employees had access to emotional / mental health programs in 2022


of preferred suppliers had greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets in 2022

1 The target boundary includes biogenic emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks. Absolute Scope 1 and 2 market-based emissions.

Reports and disclosures

Memberships and associations
